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Popularity Of Chivalry 2

Steam Player Count Analysis Reveals Top Games

Popularity of Chivalry 2

An ongoing analysis of Steam player numbers sheds light on the most popular games currently being played. Among them, Chivalry 2 has emerged as a standout with an impressive player base.

Current Player Count

According to the Steam player counter, there are currently 1821 players actively playing Chivalry 2. This is a significant drop from its previous peak player count of 6507.

Despite the decrease, Chivalry 2 maintains a strong player base, consistently ranking among the top games on Steam. The game's unique blend of medieval combat and large-scale battles continues to captivate players.

Development Focus

During the game's development, the primary focus was on increasing its scale. The player count was significantly increased to 64, allowing for larger and more chaotic battles.

This change has significantly enhanced the game's gameplay, providing players with more immersive and thrilling combat experiences.


The ongoing analysis of Steam player numbers provides valuable insights into the gaming landscape. Chivalry 2's enduring popularity demonstrates the enduring appeal of epic medieval combat and the increasing importance of player scale in multiplayer games.
