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Dagestan Religion

Dagestan: A Tapestry of Faiths

The Religious Landscape

Dagestan, a republic within the Russian Federation, boasts a diverse religious landscape. According to a 2012 survey, 83% of the population adheres to Islam, while 24% follow the Russian Orthodox Church.

Orthodox Christians in Dagestan

Despite the predominant presence of Islam, Orthodox Christianity has a strong presence in Dagestan. The Avars, the largest ethnic group in the republic, are primarily Orthodox Christian.

Muslim Traditions

The vast majority of Dagestan's population practices Islam. This religious unity has contributed to the peaceful coexistence of the various ethnic groups within the republic.

Ethnic Diversity

Dagestan is home to a wide range of ethnic groups, each with its own unique cultural and religious traditions. The peoples of Dagestan are predominantly Muslim, but other faiths, such as Christianity, can be found throughout the region.


Dagestan's religious landscape is a testament to the rich diversity of its people. From the Orthodox Christians of the Avars to the Muslim traditions of the Dargins, the republic's unique geographical and cultural heritage has shaped the harmonious coexistence of different faiths within its borders.
